General idea
As we said in our previous blog, the new technological era is about to arrive, and what better time to bring this philosophy to all our readers.
Changes we are experiencing
This new digital transformation was already present in our days, it is not something new and incredible that only some privileged minds have been able to grasp, but it was already present before the arrival of COVID-19, although with its arrival, it has slowed down its transformation process.
We can see how the NASDAQ 100 stock index (made up of the most important US technology companies) is the index that has been least affected, even rising.
In general terms, we can say that the aforementioned fourth industrial revolution is an undeniable truth that will bring about changes in individuals, companies and organizations.
The new objectives will be linked to process optimization, improved competitiveness and added value. Companies will need to be more resilient, more technological, more efficient, less indebted and more committed, willing to reform, restructure and reformulate processes that until now seemed intractable, looking for opportunities that will help prioritize actions in this field.
This is achieved by being able to generate new business models based on the observation of the customer and the resulting social environment. They must adapt to digitalization if they really want to remain competitive, through appropriate and “on-the-spot” personalization.
By “at the moment” we mean calmly. There is no need to jump into the business revolution without understanding the resulting scenario. Prudence is always a virtue in turbulent times.
We will also see how employee training will be carried out online, in order to develop teleworking, which will become one of the main tools for success.
Finally, it should also be noted that companies that sell things that do not respect the harsh and painful reality of the environment will not sell. In a market where supply will exceed demand, the degree of choice for the same price will always be emotional and linked to sustainability and commitment.
As for the benefits of this new era of digital transformation, we can highlight:
– Optimization, reducing costs and increasing benefits in various ways, such as online training (avoiding travel expenses, accommodation…), savings in materials and printing, greater flexibility…
– Customer loyalty, since it will be the companies that will have to get to where the customer is.
– Increased productivity and performance, guaranteeing a wide variety of resources and tools designed to optimize processes, generating interactive multimedia content and individualized experiences.
– Organizational transformation, thus having benefits at a higher level, achieving that the core of the company has a positive formation.
What do you think?