
Economic recovery?

Economic recovery

As we all know, COVID-19 has slowed the growth of the Spanish economy, sending it into recession with two consecutive quarters of decline. Currently, we find ourselves in a situation of uncertainty, with the Pitcher vaccine looming out the window, and with a rise in our stock market much higher than any other part of […]

Main investment strategies

Main investment strategies-min

We are currently at a good inflection point on whether to invest or not to invest. The stock markets are in doubt, and with the advances of Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, everything points to the rise of these, so in this brief post we will explain the three most important investment strategies, depending on our […]

The dot-com crisis

The dot-com crisis

The dot-com crisis took place between 1997 and 2000, due to an overvaluation of Internet-related companies, causing a strong economic bubble that led to the bankruptcy of large companies. It all started in 1997, when the western stock markets saw a huge growth in the technology sector. In addition, large companies such as Apple, Microsoft […]

Creation of the digital euro

Creation of the digital euro

We simply need to know that this new euro will have the same utility as cash, but in electronic form. Many people are wondering if the creation of this digital euro will make cash disappear completely, or if that could be the real intention of its digitalization. However, the European Central Bank (the promoter of […]

The role of monetary policy

The role of monetary policy

General idea Today we will look at the difference between fiscal and monetary policy, and focus on the latter, broadening our understanding of how the economy works. Fiscal vs monetary policy Well, fiscal policy is a branch of economic policy, which focuses on state budgets and their components, public spending and taxes. Monetary policy, on […]

10 Measures to get out of the crisis

10 Measures to get out of the crisis

General idea As we all know, the main tool of this government is public spending, and these 10 measures are proof of that. The aim is to mobilise 72 billion euros from the recovery plan (let’s remember previous posts where it was agreed that Spain was due a total of 140 billion euros). What is […]

Postponing the retirement age?

Postponing the retirement age-min

General idea This last week we have learned about the proposal of the social security minister to delay the retirement age and reward those who apply for it later. This proposal comes in order to reduce our public deficit (which is currently running out of control) and in view of the huge problem of pensions […]

Bank mergers? CaixaBank – Bankia case

Bank mergers CaixaBank – Bankia case

Spain prospects  General idea There is a strong lack of profitability in the banking sector, which seems to be a new stumbling block in this area that has been so hard hit in recent months. To solve this problem, the ECB has recommended to all banks in the euro area that they should give the […]

Public spending

Public spending

General idea An unprecedented crisis is upon us. At first we believed that a slowdown in economic activity would cause a downturn in the country’s economy, but that it would gradually recover in the famous asymmetric V. The data collected to date show that not even in our best dreams will this prediction come true. […]

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