
Spain prospects 

Spain prospects

General idea As we already know, our economy has been one of the big losers in this global economic crisis. Not only were we one of the worst countries in the first half of the year, but due to the presumed second wave coming our way, everything seems to indicate that the situation will get […]

Are public subsidies beneficial to help the productive fabric?

Are public subsidies beneficial to help the productive fabric

First of all, this is a very subjective issue. There are many ways to support our companies in difficult times, and today we will see two possible solutions to this problem. In times of crisis, our productive fabric needs stimuli to be able to survive, so if the government thinks it is convenient to subsidize […]

Do we really have to raise taxes?

Do we really have to raise taxes

General idea I think we all agree that Spain’s current deficit is very difficult to deal with, and we must all make an effort to move this great country forward. But is it really necessary, in one of the strongest crises in the world, to raise taxes? What is happening? I believe 100% that the […]

We need a change. Modification of labor and pension reforms

We need a change. Modification of labor and pension reforms-min

General idea Who would have thought… Europe, leaving behind world powers such as the USA, China, and even, if I dare say it, a country like England. How and above all why, you may ask, well, today I will try to answer this. Future scenario If we take as a reference the first world economic […]

Europe, world leader in economic recovery

Europe, world leader in economic recovery

General idea Who would have thought… Europe, leaving behind world powers such as the USA, China, and even, if I dare say it, a country like England. How and above all why, you may ask, well, today I will try to answer this. Future scenario If we take as a reference the first world economic […]

US crisis

US crisis

General idea After eleven years of economic profits, the world’s leading potential economy, the United States, has seen its GDP fall by 5% due to the effects of the coronavirus. US Trend The United States had an unimaginable positive trend, the longest lasting profit in its history, slow but sustained, reaching a labour market at […]

500 billion bailout fund for Spain

500 billion bailout fund for Spain

General idea As we have been able to see these days, after the Franco-German agreement, the risk premium in Spain has dropped significantly despite the economic situation we find ourselves in. Risk premium in Spain has dropped significantly despite the economic situation in which we find ourselves. Measures and requirements to obtain the fund We […]

4.0 The era of digital transformation

4.0 The era of digital transformation

General idea As we said in our previous blog, the new technological era is about to arrive, and what better time to bring this philosophy to all our readers. Changes we are experiencing This new digital transformation was already present in our days, it is not something new and incredible that only some privileged minds […]

Is the increase in the minimum wage really positive?

Is the increase in the minimum wage really positive-min

General idea There is no denying the upward trend in most European countries, with the increase in the minimum wage year after year. However, in this day and age, would this measure really be positive? Idea of the minimum wage If we were to analyse the effects that a rise in the minimum wage would […]

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